My Nonie.


{I know I said I would be talking about my 10 day move to Vegas today, but the schedule of planned posts is getting backed up a day. I have a more pressing issue to write about today}

I have a Nonie.

Nonie being "grandma" in Italian.

If there were two souls on this planet that were meant to be, they would be ours. I see myself in her in so many ways. We are "different" than most, and we love that. She is incredibly kind, gracious, loving and such a strong woman of God. She had five kids, one of them being my mom. From those five kids came many, many grandchildren for her. All the big holiday events are held mostly at my grandparents house, as it is the place people want to be and feel most comfortable.

(She's a sassy one with impeccable style. And yes, my grandpa sports a ponytail)

There is nothing but love inside her, I am sure. She always has encouraging words to say to me about being a mom and raising my two boys. I run into people all the time who go on and on about what a wonderful woman she is. To know her is to love her.

(Here she is with all us young'ens. Nonie can hang)

Back to her being a strong woman of God. Strongest that I know. If I have ever had any questions about my faith or words of the bible, I go directly to her and from every conversation I walk away without any doubt of my convictions and even more love for God than I had before. My grandparents are the sole reason why so many of our huge family have a personal relationship with God and even more importantly, are raising our children to know God.

In this world that we live in, there are so many challenges to raising kids. I have two sweet precious boys that I want to give the best chance at life, and I know to do that I have to raise them to be strong Christian men, and with an example like my grandparents, I have a very strong cornerstone to learn from.

My sweet sweet Nonie has cancer, however the doctors are very optimistic about her recovery. This is the second time it has came back, so we are all praying like crazy.

This is the thing though.

Nonie loves God so much that I know she isn't afraid to meet Him. Of course, we all want her around forever, as this world is a much better place with her here. But if the time comes one day for her to go home? She is completely at peace with that. And knowing that? Brings me peace.

Here is this person I admire and look up to and aspire to be like, and because of her and what she has passed down to all of us, something that is scary to a lot of people, one day leaving this earth, is not at all scary to me. Because I know exactly where I will be going and it's going to be GOOD.

That said, we are all ready for Nonie to kick this cancers ass and be around for 30 more years.

I need my soul sista and my babe needs her soft shoulder to fall asleep on...


Not one to be left out, Gunner has a little message...



  1. You have a Nonie, I have a Gram. My Gram is the strongest person I know. She has taught all of the woman (and a few of the men, I am sure) to be strong, and independent. She is 87 years old, and I feel so lucky that my Girls have her. She has kicked cancers ass twice in the last three years. I pray your Nonie will do the same!! And by the way...oh the cuteness of that boy! I seriously want to eat him up!? Do you believe in arranged marriages? I have an adorable blue eyed, blonde haired spit fire he might wanna meet in a few years!

  2. I hope she has a speedy recovery!

  3. I love this! You're Nonie looks like so much fun :)I'm praying for her!!

  4. Oh wow -- you have me crying over here. What an amazing relationship you have with your grandma. When you write that she loves God so much that she isn't afraid to meet him... well.... that's where I cried. Powerful words Miss Raven. Powerful!

    Bryan and I both are left with no grand parents. Unfortunitely all of them have passed and my longest living grand parents was my grandma. Her and I were kindred spirits and I see a lot of us in you and your grandma. You brought back memories and I thank you for that :)

    Good luck to your Nonie. I really do hope she kicks cancers ass!

  5. I am praying for your Nonie! Great post. I am a lot like my Grandmother, too. I hope they both live to be 150!!!

  6. Did not expect to be crying this morning over anyones blog, you done it. What a sweet nani you have. I am praying hard for you all! She will beat this! hugs! hang in there Raven!

  7. It is actually really funny I was talking to my mom about what she wants to be called when she becomes a grandmother and she said nonie! SO I am sending tons and tons of prayers your way!

  8. OK Raven, I'm getting teary eyed. And it's too early for that shit, my coffee is not even in my belly yet. Like I can't watch that video yet or I will cry. This was so sweet and she and you are in my prayers. Nonie ... you kick that cancer's ass! She def looks sassy and I can totally tell y'all are soul sistas. Love that your gpa has a pony. AWESEOME!

    I love you, hugs and kisses from your Leslie LuLu.


  9. This was so sweet! I loved it. I had a nonie once too! She was my great grandmother. I didn't know her very long. You Nonie sounds like a awesome lady! Blessed you are!

  10. She seems like an amazing woman! Here's to a speedy recovery, sending prayers her way :-)

  11. I felt the same way about my Nana. She had Alzheimer's and a bad heart. You and your family are in my prayers.

  12. Your nonie is just beautiful all around! This post really touched me girl. Kinda made me tear up a bit, cause this could have been written about my gram to a T. I am sending you & her a million prayers that she will have a full recovery! Much love.

  13. my mother has cancer, she has been battling it for almost five years now.
    its has recently came back well and she has started chemo..her hair is gone, im crying..this is just a tough subject for me to handle..

    Your Nonie is in my thoughts and prayers. may she have a speedy reconvery, and enjoy her life to the fulliest.

  14. made me tear up at work. Your Grandma sounds like a pretty impressive woman. I hope she kicks some major cancer a**!!

  15. this post definitely hits a little too close to home for me, as i just lost my memaw [grandmother and soul sista] to cancer last august.

    i will be praying for her and for God's healing in her life. and if it's His will to call her home, i will pray for His peace for you and your family!! :]

  16. She looks like a tough lady that can kick cancer's butt, even the second time around! So sorry she has got to deal with this again. She's got a heck of a family standing by her side to support her through it! :o)

    Ummm, your granddad, he's gotta be the coolest. Anyone who can look good sporting a receding hairline AND a ponytail is automatically cooler than everyone else.

  17. nonie looks like an AMAZING person!!! and knowing she already kicked cancer's ass once before, she can do it again!!

    i have to 100% agree with you about how grandparents help shape our relationships with God. My grandparents DEFINATELY did as well! :-)

    Sending lots of prayers and hugs and kisses your way!


  18. I will definitely be praying for your Nonie! I'm going through the same thing with my mom right now, so I know how scary it can be. But your Nonie seems like a strong lady who will get through it!

  19. sending prayers above for your Nonie ... she is an incredible woman from what you have shared. you are so lucky to have her in your life. praying that God grants her 30+ more years to continue to be a role model in your life.

  20. Best post yet! Nonie is amazing and I know her relationship with God is what keeps her so strong, hopeful and optimistic. Her and grandpa are so wise and so influential. And you te two peas in a pod. ;) not many people can say that about her! Kick butt Nonie!

    - Rachie

  21. so sorry to hear this ..sending prayers and thoughts your way ...

  22. ahh man, i am so sorry to hear this girl. i'll be saying a prayer for her for sure! this was a heartfelt post! thx for sharing!

  23. So sorry to hear about your Nonie, but I'll definitely say a prayer for her! Sounds like such a sweet lady. My MamMaws are my version of your Nonie, and I definitely understand wanting them around forever. Such a sweet post.

  24. What a beautiful lady she is.
    CANCER SUCKS period!!!

  25. All my prayers coming your way...

  26. praying for you all!!!

  27. oh my raven, i know exactly how you feel and words can not express the love that we have for our grandmothers. your family is in my prayers

    oh and the video is absolutely precious, Im sure that alone made nonies day

    [sweet life of a southern wife]

  28. Aww what a sweet post! Prayers to you and your family. All positive thoughts to Nonna! xoxo

  29. I know exactly how you feel.. My grandpa just went through the same thing and he kicked that cancer's butt! I'll be praying for your Nonie!

  30. awwww....I LOVE this!!! I have a Mamaw, that I have always felt the same way about!! She lived next door, on the same land, my WHOLE life. She is my role model for sure!! I always felt that we had a bond that not many have!! We lost her a year ago. She was 96, though. I always thought that loosing her would be the hardest thing that I would ever go through, but I have had a peace knowing that she is with God, her husband, and even my daddy (her son). And I will get to see them all again!! I feel SO SO blessed that, my kids (her greats), got to know her!! There's nothing like our grandmas!!!

  31. Gunner's message made my day... can I borrow him? I'll make him clean out his ears and wash his hands PROMISE!

    anyways... this post was so sweet and shows what an incredible and kind person you are. Aw shucks Raven you softie.

    But seriously.. I called my great grandmother Nona which makes me cool like you.

    Ok now really seriously... I am thinking about you and your family. love ya girl!

  32. prayers heading your way. stay positive, chica.


  33. Sending you hugs n kisses...xoxoxo

  34. What a personal and sincere post! I'm going through something similar but have no idea how to write about it on the blog...Hope she gets through this one too!

  35. Oh my. First time I've cried in days.

    I believe healing is ninety percent believing and ten percent medicine. You are a fabulous girl who I am sure she is so proud of. I know im glad to have a bloggy friend like you: )

    Keep your head up doll.


  36. What a wonderful tribute to a wonderful woman. I can tell just how much she means to you...and that is beautiful.

    Sending many prayers her way (and yours too).

    Lots and lots of LOVE to you, Raven.


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